Friday, December 24, 2010

The Holidays

Okay so I'm just gonna start off this blog and hope no one noticed how long I was gone... No one did? Alrighty then lets get started!
The holidays, not only do they bring our families together but they rip our wallets and peace of mind apart. Holidays are the most fun times of the year. I mean who doesn't enjoy having holiday themed music, product, and commercials pushed in our face. The one thing that really gets interesting around the holidays are people.
People Around the Holidays

While perceived to only bring out the best of people. I can tell you (from personal experience) that the holidays can bring out the worst just as much.

I even had a confrontation this time of year a couple years back. It was when I was about 9 and this guy at Bloomingdale's was passing out complimentary handbags. It was a large crowd of women.

But I was fearless. As the guy was passing them out I made eye contact with him so he'd be aware that I wanted one. As he handed me one somebody else grabbed it. So now I'm all like "What the heck? That was mine first" I turn and find myself inches away from some lady in her mid-40s. She starts tugging the bag away from me and making threatening glares. But I wasn't gonna have it (obviously). So I started tugging and glaring the same way. But like picture me, a 9-year-old little girl having an intense tug-of-war battle with some lady in her mid-40s!

Ridiculous, right?

I wasn't going to give up though, so after one good tug I got the bag. Made one victorious look at the lady and triumphantly skipped away. But that just shows you how crazy people get around the holidays. This lady was willing to take me out over a bag, that she could've easily waited and gotten amongst the crowd of women HER age. There's another thing that gets odd around the holidays...

Commercials Around the Holidays

Is it just me or does anyone notice how excessive the commercials get around the holidays. Commercials are played enough around the year, so much that I almost always forget what I'm watching. But around the holidays I watch them so much that I start making plot lines based on the commercials.

Wherever there's a commercial there's a store to buy that item advertised. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to stores.

Stores Around the Holidays

Stores around the holidays can get pretty pushy besides the creepy sales people...

Stores rush you through every holiday! I mean I promise you at one of the stores I was at there was a Halloween themes aisle DIRECTLY across from a Christmas themed aisle!

I feel a strange sense of sacrilegious-ness

Stores, commercials, and people all get crazy around the holidays. But there's still one sense of sanity in your head. So hold onto it otherwise there won't be able to have any fun!

Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings guys :)

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